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 Conscious Archives :Feb 23, March, 2005

Oceans of Manifest 






Now that I have proven to myself, on several occasions, that, I can manifest anything. In the last year I have come across so many tests and so many emotional hurdles that I feel strong. I feel stronger that I have every felt before. Im beginning to really feel alive. My emotions seem to be operating at full capacity. I am expressing myself the way that I want to. Everything that I ask for I get. Its amazing. Today I prayed, I said thank you. Thank you for all that I have received. I feel blessed that I have this wonderful life. There are many things that I do not understand. But there are many that I do. Confusion seems to be further away than ever before. As the spring approaches, I feel like my soul wakes up. It gets so dark and gloomy in the UK that I really do not want to spend another winter here. If I do that I think I will purchase a sad box. The universe will manifest an answer.

Funny thing is that every emotion seems to have a double reality. Since the Iboga I am being presented with option that "would have been" as opposed to the "do this". This way I can assess, if I choose, the past reality of my modern shadow. 

Remaining in my centre allows me to feel the true feelings in every moment. Like the centre of a bike wheel every thing rolls around smoothly. What happen is the wheel buckles? you bike fails to operate. We have a finite energy field that holds our physical body together. Where we focus creates and energy awareness that goes to work on the specific spot. This allows us to move, run, shout, dance or moon walk.

Love is the all encompassing energy field that joins every atom together, it is the undiscovered force unseeable to the naked eye. It radiates as a universe energy source. The pulsating heart beat of the all mighty. We wave around like dancing plants. Our reality is so short that our existance disapears. Its like famous word can be created by just typing them. Just as the previous sentence. Most certainly a fact that in the future this information will be viewable to world. It is like my words have become immortalised, as I type them. 

The world as it stands is full of conspiracy theorys. Every nation is paranoid of the other. Technology is designing technology. Everyone is waiting for the first Nano-war, as every country is pumping all its extra resources to create the first airborne nanobots that self replicate and repattern people history attaching to neural pathway and sending recreated history electro signals to make everyone believe in an illusionionary history. Whilst Nth dimensional entities manipulate our energy matrixes to fuel their dying universes. Maybe Ive watched too many scifi movies. Maybe the scifi movies have been created by the alphazods and are there to double bluff us by giving us all the truths. Like what they have done to David Icke who speaks all the truths. He has become a 'celebrity of conspiracy'. What ever he says statistically a big percentage will call him a nut.

You have got thousands of people protesting against the war. Isn't that just a war of the wars. Protesting for the end of war is War to the activists. Silly fools. Lets all arrange millions to meet on the street and protest against the "BAN ON PROTESTING" that is coming shortly. We all know that PROTESTING  is terrorism because it causes terrible feeling. 

If you create, whether inadvertiantly or not, any terrible feelings, you are a terrorist.

The First Law of Terrorism - 

A terrorist is a person that creates terror.Whether intentially or not.
A preemtive strike against terrorism is to stop people before they create terror.

The first Law of preventing terror.
Blow them up and hide the fact that anyone was terrified.

It terrifies me that people are trying to stamp out terror before it has happened. Therefore the people who try to stamp out terror may accidently create terror for someone else. 

Its a dangerous game. But lets face it. We can not let people blow up the world. That would be stupid. What we need is Unity. Controlled research and regulated checks. This is what Bush is attempting. Unfortunately the very solution is causing thousands of mindless deaths. Human evolution need to come into alignment. Many people are just giving up trying to work it out. Mr Bush and Blair. I take my hat of to you. Your job is cut out for you. A sufi mystic once said that you are working for the angels to make way for the second coming. 

whatever is the situation. Im glad that Im still alive and greatful for my life. To all the loyal readers Thank you for you continued support and much love .

xx Zak xx

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Zak.net is the home of the world famous conscious archives. The documentation of the times and an exploration of consciousness. The sole purpose of this site is to give the reader a reflection of her/his reality in order to empower. Individual names are rarely used as to avoid bias, this site is not affiliated to any single group. The author is not a freemason or trying to create a cult. 

If you feel disturbed by this website, than I ask you why are you reading it. Addiction patterns leading to judgements can not be doing you any good. Have you noticed that everything you see and everything you think creates an internal reaction whether mental or physical. I noticed in myself that some part of my body would suddenly activate. I compared my physical feeling with a chart of where the glands are located and pow a correlation.